23rd September 2024

Search Asfordby Parish Council

Displaying 1 to 30 of 34

Morris Cam Walk Temporary prohibition of all through traffic order

Station Lane Road Closure Update

Melton Borough Green Infrastructure Consultation

Temporary Road Closure coming into force 31.07.2024 Regency Road Asfordby

Station Lane Road Closure Sunday 30th June

LCC Have a Go Month June 2024

LCC Urban Grass Cutting 2024

Temporary Traffic Regulation Order Main Street Asfordby 25th March

Hoby Road Temporary Traffic Regulation Order 25th April 2024

FOOTPATH CLOSURE Morris Cam Walk on the 5th March 2024

Road Closure Main Street Asfordby 25th March 2024

Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland GP Patient Experience Survey

Melton Local Plan Update Issues and Options

Notice of Vacancy in the Office of Parish Councillor for the Asfordby Ward

Notice of Vacancy in the Office of Parish Councillor for the Asfordby Hill Ward

Notice of Poll Thursday 2nd November

Asfordby Remembrance Day

Declaration of Result of Poll for the Asfordby NHP area Referendum.

Letter of notification of NHP Referendum results

Notice of Poll and Situation of Polling Stations


Tue, 29 Aug 2023


Hoby Road Temporary Traffic Regulation Order 28th AUGUST 2023

Temporary prohibition of all through traffic HOBY ROAD

Temporary Traffic Regulation order Crompton Road Asfordby Hill

Free CPR and Defibrillator Training

Great big green week

Mon, 15 May 2023

Great big green week

Election of Parish Councillors for Parish of Asfordby & Asfordby Hill Ward

Changing Connections Rural Coffee Connect Van Asfordby Parish Hall

Temporary Traffic Regulation Order - Crompton Road Asfordby Hill

Notice of Election-for Councillors for the Asfordby Hill & Asfordby wards