23rd September 2024

Search Asfordby Parish Council

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This report sets out the findings of the independent examination of the Asfordby Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011-2036

Housing Needs Study

Fri, 3 Feb 2023

This research explores and interprets detailed data from various sources, using models developed in SHMAs and similar projects, to estimate:-
 the overall requirement for housing in the parish over the next 20 years or so,
 the estimated best mix of types, sizes, tenures and
 the Affordable Housing...

Map showing Areas of Separation in Asfordby

Report Identifying Areas of Separation

A summary of the Pre-Submission Draft of the Plan that was delivered to all premises within the Parish.

This screening report tests whether the Asfordby Parish Neighbourhood Plan requires a Strategic Environmental Assessment or Habitats Regulation Assessment.

Consultation Statement

Fri, 23 Sep 2022

Contains details of the persons and bodies who were consulted about the proposed neighbourhood development plan, how they were consulted and summarises the main issues and concerns raised.

The Basic Conditions Statement explains how the proposed neighbourhood development plan meets the requirements of paragraph 8 of Schedule 4B to the 1990 Town Country Planning Act and regulations.

The Plan that has been submitted to Melton Borough Council for publication under Regulation 15 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012.

Asfordby Business Park Marketing and Viability Report

Melton Borough Landscape and Historic Urban Character Assessment Report

Melton Green Infrastructure Study

LGS7 Brook Crescent, Asfordby Valley

LGS6 South Street, Asfordby Hill

LGS5 Rear of West Side and St Johns Road, Asfordby Hill

LGS4 Jubilee Park, Asfordby

LGS3 Captains Close Primary School, Asfordby

LGS2 Glendon Close, Asfordby

LGS1 All Saints Churchyard, Asfordby

Questionnaire Results

Sun, 13 Mar 2022

Issues and Options Questionnaire- results

Issues and Options Questionnaire

Young People Consultation

Captains Close Primary School Consultation

Asfordby Hill Primary School Consultation

Big Jubilee Lunch

Sun, 13 Mar 2022

Report of consultation event during the Big Jubilee Lunch.

Report of Stakeholder Event

Asfordby Hill Inset Map

Sun, 13 Mar 2022

Local Plan policy map: Asfordby Hill Inset

Asfordby Inset Map

Sun, 13 Mar 2022

Local Plan policy map- Asfordby Inset

Melton Local Plan Appendices

Melton Local Plan

Sun, 13 Mar 2022

Melton Local Plan